Boneyard BrewingThis week Last Call with BrewDad we feature Tony Lawrence Boneyard Brewing – Bend OR.  Boneyard has become one of my favorite beers to seek out on tap.  Lets see what Tony has to say.

71. What was your first beer you ever drank?
Micky’s big mouth82. What was your first Craft Beer you ever had and what did you think?

Sierra Nevada pale . Fucking amazing

3. How did you get start in brewing?  Homebrewer?  Etc???  What was the first batch you ever made?
It found me as I was working in the kitchen at Deschutes and  transferred departments to start washing kegs in 1989
Dopplebock ( Domminator)

4-1. What is your favorite beer you have ever made?  And why?
That’s tough maybe , Notorious – Hops oplenty

5c. If you had to live for the rest of your life with only drinking one beer and not one of your own.  Who and what beer/brewery?

6d-1. What is your favorite beer style?

67. If you could create a whole new style of beer what would it be?
Super session ale with just enough American style hops to keep it interesting.

998. Favorite sport and team?
Oregon Ducks

9. What is your ultimate session beer?
Busch Lite

A) What music do love to listen to while brewing?
Punk , old school rap , country

420. What is the craziest ingredient you have added while brewing?
Malic and acetic acid

24. Favorite hop(s)
Currently Mosiac

13 What is your go to liquor?
Makers Mark

77. Favorite Movie(s)
Bad News Bears , anything with Chris Farly

15.  What is your favorite movie Quote?
Fuck that shit Pabst Blue Ribbon

0. Are you on twitter (@Twitter name) what is your favorite twitter #hashtag?

17. Morning person or Night person?
PM !!..

44. What is your favorite Hot sauce?
Franks Red Hot

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