On the eve of leaving for this year’s Beer Bloggers Conference I’m as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve. I arrive tomorrow in Chicago (First time visit for me) for a day of pre-conference pub crawling then off to Indianapolis (Another first time visit) for the conference. This year I went out and found sponsors to help me attend the conference. First and foremost my awesome family WineMom and SodaKid with out their support this whole beer blogging thing would never be a possible.
Next, I would like to thank the BrewDad sponsors who made it possible for me to attend. Fish Brewing Company, Dicks Brewing, Columbia River Brewing, Icicle Brewing, American Brewing and last but not least Naked City Brewery. All have been such terrific sponsors and given such great support and have made it possible for me to attend this year’s conference. I thank each and every one of them with the utmost respect and honor.
More posts to come over the next few days. If you like to follow the BrewDad imbibing adventures during the conference. Twitter and Untappd will be updated often. @BrewDad on Twitter BrewDad on Untappd. Until tomorrow first stopChicago.