Saturdays Bar – Oly Taproom
Monday 3-10pm
Tuesday 12-10pm
Wednesday 12-10pm
Thursday 12-10pm
Friday 12-11pm
Saturday 12-11pm
Sunday 12-9pm

The Oly Taproom venue will be a social and welcoming environment, while emphasizing a neighborhood-like feel. Our intention is to create a comfortable, friendly place to meet friends after work, on the weekends, or after the softball game. On warm sunny days we welcome patrons to enjoy our outside seating while watching sail boats pull into the South Sound bay. Creating an experience for every customer allows us to build a fully engaged community of supporters. Sharing appealing and significant information with customers and listening and responding to their need to create more than a place to have beer, but a brand that is of the community.
They now serve pizza! freshly made to order 14inch pies. The perfect food for your perfect beer. For those who prefer, we welcome patrons to bring in their own food or order in, from the many nearby food establishments.
Oly Taproom
Oly Taproom FaceBook
Twitter @Olytaproom
Instagram – olytaproom