Redhook Brewery New Summer Seasonal – Wit
“Made with ginger, but still digs Mary Ann.”
Redhook releases there newest seasonal ale Redhook Wit. This is perfect for the warm summer months of outdoors BBQ-ing, sitting by the pool or just taking a break by hanging inside, enjoying the AC and watching old re-runs of Gilligan’s Island. Redhook’s twist on the traditional Belgian-style ale is the addition of fresh ginger, which gives a refreshing snappiness to the lighter bodied wheat beer. Redhook Wit will be available through August.
“Wit is a refreshing, drinkable beer and Redhook is excited to bottle it for the first time this summer,” said Greg Deuhs, Redhook Brew Master. “The beer follows traditional Belgian-style parameters while allowing for artistic freedom for our brewers.”
Tasting Notes:
- Rehook Wit is brewed with Kolsch yeast, two-row pale, malted wheat, Vienna oats, dried orange peel, coriander and finished with ginger.
- Redhook Wit offers a distinct citrus aroma with subtle spice, fruit and ginger flavors.
- Redhook Wit sports a light hazy appearance and offers a refreshing thirst-quenching finish.
Redhook Wit Rundown: