This week Last Call with BrewDad we feature a brewer who has been involved in the craft brewing industry from almost the beginning of the movement. Rob Widmer of Widmer Brothers Brewing. Over the years I have had the chance to share a few pints with Rob and it’s an honor to feature him this week.
Lets see what Rob had to say.
71. What was your first beer you ever drank?
From my dad – probably Blitz Weinhard
82. What was your first Craft Beer you ever had and what did you think?
Probably Anchor but I really can’t remember. Sierra Pale Ale was always a favorite.
3. How did you get start in brewing? Homebrewer? Etc??? What was the first batch you ever made?
Our uncle Walter was a home brewer. I used to help him schlep his beer at family gatherings and he’d give me tastes and ask my opinion. He treated me like an adult which was flattering and I thought it was pretty cool that he brewed his own.
4-1. What is your favorite beer you have ever made? And why?
I don’t play favorites.
5c. If you had to live for the rest of your life with only drinking one beer and not one of your own. Who and what beer/brewery?
It’d be home brew made by friends.
6d-1. What is your favorite beer style?
I’m a big fan of hops in a range of beer styles.
67. If you could create a whole new style of beer what would it be?
Something universally enjoyed by every human being on earth and highly addictive.
998. Favorite sport and team?
I’m not much of a sports fan but I prefer college ball over the pro’s. Watching college basketball in March is hard to beat..
9. What is your ultimate session beer?
I do love our Citra Blond!
A) What music do love to listen to while brewing?
Country rock
420. What is the craziest ingredient you have added while brewing?
A thermometer but not on purpose.
24. Favorite hop(s)
I’m a big Citra fan.
13 What is your go to liquor?
Kentucky Bourbon.
77. Favorite Movie(s)
The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness
0. Are you on twitter (@Twitter name) what is your favorite twitter #hashtag?
What’s twitter?
17. Morning person or Night person?
44. What is your favorite Hot sauce?
Not a fan of the hot stuff.
17. If you could ask me BrewDad one question what would it be?
I’m not sure but it’d be a good one!
Thank you Rob and for all the great Beer you brew. Until next time Cheers….