Fort George Brewing

Fort George Brewing – Band plays in Celebration of Tender Loving Empire Northwest Pale Ale

By March 5, 2021No Comments

Fort George Brewing Tender Loving Empire

Y La Bamba Performs “Oh February” in Celebration of Tender Loving Empire Northwest Pale Ale

(Astoria, OR) On March 15th the Fort George Brewery released the first of its collaborative seasonal beers – the Tender Loving Empire Northwest Pale Ale (NWPA). Tender Loving Empire (TLE), a Portland, Oregon independent record label, is celebrating with four live music videos featuring bands filmed along the watershed from Portland to Astoria, culminating at the Fort George Brewery, the source of the delicious TLE NWPA.

The release of TLE NWPA kicked off with the video premier of “Sea Shanty II” by Typhoon, shot along the Willamette River.  And now, next in this series – Y La Bamba performs “Oh February” on the banks of the Columbia and Willamette River confluence.  Their album, produced by The Decemberists’ Chris Funk and also titled “Oh February,” is available online at

Both videos are free to enjoy, as well as an MP3 sampler and a full description of TLE NWPA, at  Look for the final two songs by Radiation City and BRAINSTORM, both filmed in Astoria, to be out in the coming weeks, accompanied by a TLE party at Bunk Bar in Portland on May 4th.

Tender Loving Empire NWPA is available through mid-June.  This summer’s Fort George seasonal will be a collaboration with Gigantic and Lompoc aptly named 3 Way IPA.  These quarterly collaborations will include a fall seasonal with a regional artisan, and Fort George’s North Winter Ale.  All Fort George seasonal’s are available in 16 ounce cans distributed throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

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