Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery

Flying Bike Cooperative – Brewer’s Dinner with The Pantry

By March 5, 2021No Comments

Flying Bike Cooperative BreweryFlying Bike Cooperative Brewery announces Brewer’s Dinner with The Pantry

Seattle, December 3, 2015 – The Pantry is offering a 3-night opportunity to feast on infused flavors from Flying Bike’s brewing process. For the first time since The Pantry’s inception, they’re teaming up with a brewery to provide a 3-night opportunity for beer aficionados and the curious, a 5-course meal utilizing flavors from each step of the brewing process. Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery, located in Greenwood within 2 miles of The Pantry (located behind Delancey on NW 70th), seemed the right partner with a 25 year veteran brewer at the helm who’s just as experimental with his beer styles as The Pantry is in the kitchen. Head Brewer Kevin Forhan will be in attendance on the first night of the dinner, Thursday, February 18th, to share stories and discuss his creativity in the brewing process.

To acquire your tickets for Thu. February 18th, Fri. February 19th, or Sat. February, 20th, contact The Pantry via email: The tickets are $100 per person, including 5-courses and beer pairing with an intimate seating of only 40 people per night. Tickets usually sell out immediately. Act fast to get your tickets! Tickets will go on sale to the public at Noon TODAY!

About Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery: Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery is a member owned cooperative opening a brewery and tasting room in August 2015 at 8750 Greenwood Ave N, featuring member-driven beer recipes and taking input from members on various aspects of the business. Currently the co-op has 1,596 members.

Address: 8570 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

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