Bremerton Summer BrewFest
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Downtown Bremerton on Pacific Avenue between Burwell and 6th St.
26 Washington Breweries pouring more than 60 Washington Summer Style Beers.
Breweries Expected to Attend
American Brewing – Bainbridge Island Brewing – Barhop Brewing – DerBlokken Brewery – Diamond Knot Craft Brewing – Dick’s Brewing – Elysian Brewing – Fremont Brewing – Georgetown Brewery – Grove Street Brewhouse – Hale’s Ales Brewery and Pubs – Harmon Brewing – Hood Canal Brewery -Iron Horse Brewery – Mac & Jack’s – Odin Brewing – Port Townsend Brewing – Redhook Brewery – Roslyn Brewing – Schooner EXACT Brewing – Silver City Brewery – Slippery Pig Brewery – Snoqualmie Falls Brewing – Sound Brewery – Valholl Brewing – Wingman Brewers
Live Music Stage Featuring:
1:30pm: Ben Union
4:00pm: Fox and the Law
6:00pm: Letters
Take the Ferry
Bremerton Summer Brewfest is just a 5 minute walk from the Bremerton Ferry Terminal. If you are coming fromSeattlewe encourage you to walk on the ferry and avoid the ferry lines. Ferry information and schedules can be found at the Washington State Department of Transportation Website.
Lighter Food options will be available on site. For lunch and dinner options we encourage you to visit one of the many local restaurants located within walking distance of the event. Paid attendees may leave and re-enter the event by showing their wristband and a piece of ID.