Bear Republic Pete Brown 27Bear Republic Brewing – Peter Brown Tribute Ale

We are happy to announce that our American Brown Ale, Peter Brown Tribute Ale™, will now be available in 12 oz. six-packs.

Peter Brown, our “Million Dollar Salesman”, was Bear Republic’s Sales Manager for over three years and is missed daily at the Bear since his death in 2002. In honor of the life of a good friend, Bear Republic released Peter Brown Tribute Ale™ as a new bottled product in the Summer of 2003.

Our rendition of a Strong American Brown Ale, Peter Brown™, is balanced with a dark grain blend that is pleasing to the eye and smooth on the palate. Truly Peter Brown’s, a man who always lived life to the fullest, we can still see Pete sitting at the bar enjoying a pint. Cheers to you Pete.

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