Grand Teton Brewing Lost Continent3Grand Teton Brewing – Our spring seasonal release is Lost Continent Double IPA.  Each batch is brewed with well over three pounds of hops per barrel in the kettle and another half-pound per barrel of “dry hops” during conditioning. A revised fermentation program has produced a more traditional Double IPA flavor profile–drier, less malty, more hoppy.

We use only American Pacific Northwest hops. Bravo, Centennial and Columbus hops are added early in the boil for smooth, balanced bitterness. We add Columbus, Bravo and Simcoe later in the boil for flavor, and Columbus, Centennial and Simcoe in the whirlpool for aroma.

For even more aroma, we dry-hop with Chinook and Bravo hops in the conditioning tank. The result is fruity, floral and complex, with notes of tangerine zest and fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice.

Idaho 2-Row Pale Malted Barley and German Melanoidin and Vienna malts give this ale its lovely pale copper hue, with flavors of orange marmalade and dried apricots, supported by a strong backbone of hoppy bitterness.

ABV: 8.0% • Color (Lovibond): 10.0º
Lost Continent is available annually for 3 months starting April 1st

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