Wingman 44th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, April 18th, 12pm–11pm (Date is now Correct)
Has it been 4 years already? Time has flown by and we’ve grown from a tiny nano-brewery making 31 gallons of beer at a time to a fledgling micro-brewery sending our beer across WA state.  Thank you all so much for continuing to drink our product and support our beer making habit.

We will be having a party at our taproom to celebrate the occasion as our brewery turns FOUR! There will be food trucks, there will be special glassware to take home, and there will be BEER.  The tap list starts here:

P-51 Porter
Peanut Butter Cup Porter
Coconut P-51 Porter
Pocket Aces 2X IPA
Old Plank Pilsner
2014 Bourbon Barrel Aged Stratofortress
Bourbon Barrel Aged Big Baby Flat Top
2014 Vintage Sour Brett Berliner Weisse
Madagascar Vanilla Bean & Raisin BBFT
Red Hot Chili Pepper Ace IPA

We will also have a bottles of:
Bourbon Barrel Big Baby Flat Top
Bourbon Barrel Stratofortress
Pocket Aces 2X IPA
Peanut Butter Cup P-51 Porter
Chocolate Fortress

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