Bayou Beer FestThe Bayou Beer Festival, sponsored by Mudbug Brewery, today announced the kickoff of the buildup to the Third Annual Bayou Beer Festival with a commemorative glass that will be given away free to those purchasing advanced tickets by August 31.  Glasses can be picked up at check in the day of the beer fest, Saturday, November 14, 2015.

The 4 ounce glasses match the typical sample size of the more than 200 beers that will be represented at the event and is imprinted with the 2015 Bayou Beer Fest logo as well a logo in support of veterans.

Joel Ohmer, Bayou Beer Society President stated, “The 4 ounce glass matches exactly how beer is sampled at our event and is something attendees can use throughout the fest and have to enjoy thereafter.  Like our posters and t shirts, these glasses are going to be highly collectable and we are pleased to offer them at this year’s event. The glasses are also available for sale at the event.”

About the Bayou Beer Society
The Bayou Beer Society is a not-for-profit community educational organization devoted to the sharing the enjoyment of craft beers within South Louisiana.  The society is the founder and sponsor of the Bayou Beer Festival, an event that drew nearly 2,000 attendees during 2014 and is expected to draw even more this year. The society is founded by members Joel Ohmer, Jim Barrett, Willie Rollins and Charles Gaiennie.  More information about the Bayou Beer Society can be found at

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