All my Beer Friends another brewery is facing a tough uphill battle with the man. If you have a chance to be heard here is where and when to voice your opinion. Here is the story of what has been going on.
From Arcadian Farms Brewery Face Book Page – As some of you may know, we have been fighting to keep our doors open since May. We had a few complaints due to a traffic issue that has escalated and will ultimately come down to a public hearing next Wednesday. We have been working closely with the county and are now in compliance, but we still have to go before a Hearing Examiner and she will make the decision of whether or not we will be allowed to stay open.
If you can, we’d appreciate your support next Wednesday, September 3rd at 5:30 PM. The Public Hearing will take place downstairs at the Courthouse Annex Building- 170 NW Vancouver Avenue, Stevenson, Washington 98648.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last 5 years, it truly means so much us. We couldn’t do what we do without your encouragement and inspiration. #savethefarm