Rogue Brewing

Rogue Brewing – Beard Beer & No-Shave November

By March 5, 2021No Comments

Rogue Brewing Beard BeerNo ShaveNewport, Oregon – Rogue Ales is pleased to announce Beard Beer as the official beer of No-Shave November. During the month of November, Rogue Ales will not only be embracing hair but also donating proceeds from Beard Beer sales to No-Shave November, a nonprofit organization committed to raising cancer awareness and funds to support cancer prevention, research and education.

“The tie between Beard Beer and No-Shave November was obvious to us. We’re excited to help out with such a great cause, and the revolutionary Hill family,” said Brett Joyce, President of Rogue Ales.

“We’re so pleased that Rogue has partnered up with No-Shave November. Each whisker and each dollar builds greater cancer awareness, advances scientific breakthroughs, and encourages cancer survivors, as well as their friends and families,” said Nick Hill, Director of Operations at No-Shave November.

Beard Beer is available on draft and in 22 oz serigraphed bottles which feature the bearded face of Rogue Brewmaster John Maier. To find Beard Beer near you, visit the Rogue finder at

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