New Brewery

Los Alamos Brewing Co-op – Seeks Brewmaster

By March 5, 2021No Comments

LABC Seeks Brewmaster & GM in Hopes of Opening NM’s First Co-op Brewery by Spring 2015

LOS ALAMOS, NM—New Mexico’s first and only craft brew cooperative, Los Alamos Beer Co-Op (LABC), is one step closer to opening its first brewery; but first needs a professional brewer who can handcraft a product brimming with skill and passion, as well as a general manager.

“The LABC is looking for a brewmaster with the desire to craft a product that people love and who has the enterprising spirit to start something new,” said Amy Engle, an LABC Board Member and owner. “We’re also looking for a general manager who is business-oriented and who will help grow Los Alamos’ first and only brewery which will also be New Mexico’s first co-op brewery.”

Currently, there are only a handful of co-op breweries in the country. But the idea is a stout one, becoming the preferred business model since communities are tapped for funding rather than a bank.

A co-op brewery is different from traditional breweries in that members own part of the business. Therefore, each member has the power to vote on how the business should be run, what types of beers should be offered, and other decisions which independently owned craft breweries don’t allow anyone other than the owners to make. Unlike traditional breweries, any revenue has to be reinvested or returned to members/owners.

Among other responsibilities, the brewmaster would create new craft beers, handle all aspects of a brewing operation, select and purchase ingredients, and possibly take on management of the taproom.

The LABC is also seeking a general manager who would handle all aspects of the taproom’s operation but would report to the board and work closely with the brewmaster.

For more information about requirements/qualifications or to apply, visit or email info(at)losalamosbeer(dot)coop.

The LABC plans to open their new brewery/taproom by spring 2015. Since October 2014, LABC gained around 100 new members but hopes to have 500 by opening day.

For more information, visit


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