New Year, New Beer! Full Sail Brewing Releases Session IPA
Hood River, Oregon – “IPA’s are insanely popular these days. But let’s face it, sometimes it feels like there’s a hops arms race going on. That’s why we came up with Session IPA. It’s a Premium Pale Ale that thinks for itself. Not too hoppy. Not too bitter. Not too malty. Just right…we like to call it Session-ability!” said Irene Firmat, Full Sail Brewing Company’s CEO & Founder.
“When Session Premium Lager was launched ten years ago, it quickly became the hottest selling new craft-beer brand on the market. Neither micro, macro nor import (yet a little bit of each), Session rewrote the rules on how to launch a distinctive new brand that appeals to a wide cross-section of beer drinkers. You see, virtually everyone who likes beer likes Session. It’s a brand that’s inclusive and accessible — without ever being ordinary. It’s totally drinkable – but never at the expense of character. Fast forward to 2014 and what’s the new hot trend in craft brewing? “Sessionable” beers, the category that Session unleashed a decade ago. Given Session’s immense appeal, we’ve expanded our year-round lineup to include Session IPA.” Available in 12 packs, 6 packs and on draft. ABV 5.1% IBU 47