Elysian Brewing

BrewDad Commentary: Elysian Brewing and Change.

By March 5, 2021No Comments

Elyisan LogoBrewDad Commentary: Elysian Brewing and Change. 
I can’t wait for the day when Elysian has a helicopter and they come pick me up in it.  Now it does sting we all have such a disdain for Ab-InBev. But, we need to remember they used to be small a long time ago. This is business folks we might not like it and we can bitch and moan but, I am sure this was the hardest decision they: Dick, Joe and Dave ever made. Other than deciding not to brew the BrewDad Smoked Huckleberry Porter.  I remember back in beer judging class there is a category Light American Lager.
(Note Old School Logo- From my first post about Elysian)

BJCP Light American Lager-
The standard American, Canadian, Japanese, Mexican, and Australian beer styles. Light grain and flowery hop aromas. May have slightly fruity aromas from yeast and hop varieties used. Pale straw to pale gold color. Crisp and dry flavor, can have some sweetness. Very light body from use of a high percentage of adjuncts such as rice or corn. Delicate and dry. Usually well carbonated. ’Light’ beers have 1/3 fewer calories than Standard; Premium beers tend to have fewer adjuncts or can be all-malt. Commercial Examples: Budweiser (USA), Molson Golden (Canada), Kirin (Japan), Corona (Mexico), Fosters (Australia)

Now when I read this I don’t see Widmer, Elysian nor 10 Barrel. Ab-Inbev, is not dumb they are not going to switch these places and make them brew the stuff they brew in millions of gallons and perfect by the way.  Gotta give them that respect they are perfect when they brew.  6 different breweries in the US and they are all the same flavor, taste, and texture.  Look 70% of the US population still loves this light easy drinking mow your lawn on a hot day beer. I am sure some of you drink it but will never admit to it.  Budweiser, wants in the craft sand box and they don’t have an invite due their size.  So to play in the craft sandbox they are getting new friends who are already there.  Is this going to really make a difference in 20 years we will see but thus far people this is what it is. This is not the end of the world folks.  It’s not like they are going to stop brewing our Elysian Pumpkin beers we oh so love.  I am sure Elysian Pumpkin fest which is a ritual in Seattle in October will still be as good. Maybe there will be a New Elysian Theme park coming soon.  Relax – Craft Beer Geeks the world is not ending it is just evolving.  Cheers to Elysian and there tasty Immortal IPA, Men’s Room Red, Space Dust and all those fun Pumpkin Beers.  Widmer, and all your awesome beers, 10 Barrel Brewing we owe you an apology we jumped and we jumped fast to our disdain. That was not fair to you.  RedHook, Kona and Goose Island you all suffered the same fate from your fans and we owe you a sincere hat in our hands head hung low, sorry.

I remember the moment I saw the Twitter post about the news yesterday around this time. This is when it became real and extremely local my first thought was my friends at Elysian the ones who have supported my BrewDad project and the ones who invited me to bottle and help with the packaging of many of pumpkin beers.  The day Dick Cantwell introduced me to Tomme Arthur in town brewing a special pumpkin saison, and he introduced me as “BrewDad.”  I raise my glass to the future and to my friends at Elysian…

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