From Bellevue Brewing some interesting statistics.
According to the Brewers Association as well as our own internal data, by the end of 2014, the Bellevue Brewing Company:
- Was ranked #109 out of 1,412 brewpubs operating in U.S.A. (within the top 8%).
- Brewed 1,800 BBLs.
- Served a little more than 125,000 guests in its taproom.
- Sold approximately 800 BBLs (198,400 pints), or an average of 548 pints of BBC beer per day, in its taproom.
- Sold roughly 1,000 BBLs worth of kegs and bottled product in the marketplace.
- By the end of 2015, the Bellevue Brewing Company intends to:
- Double its brewing capacity from 3,000 BBLs to just a little more than 6,000 BBLs.
- Be distributed in British Columbia as well as the great State of Hawai’i.
By the middle part of 2016, the Bellevue Brewing Company:
- Will have completed its cellar build-out and capacity should reach approximately 11,250 BBLs.
- Will identify a second brewing location.