Silver City Brewery is Proud to announce new branding, new packages and new brew house for 2015
Today Silver City Brewery is excited to announce the expansion of their brewery operations in Bremerton, their fresh new look, and new offerings for 2015. In anticipation of another year of double digit growth, Silver City is set to install a new 35 barrel brew house. New tanks with 160 barrels of fermentation capacity & 120 barrels of bright beer capacity were added at the start of this year to keep pace with steady growth.
Silver City has been brewing on the same 10 barrel system since its inception in 1996. Having grown to an annual capacity of 9,000 barrels in 2014, Silver City has far outpaced the size of the brew house. The new system will enable the brewery to reduce the number days it brews a week in half while making more beer than ever.
Silver City’s new American made brew house, is being produced by AAA Metal Fabrication out of the Dalles, Oregon. Silver City Brewery owner Scott Houmes had this to say about the new system “We’re excited to work with AAA again. They do quality work and we can’t wait to employ the new system and continue making great beer for our fans.”
While Silver City is getting a new “heart beat” to the brewery, they are proud to present a new look to go along with it.
Silver City worked with Blind Tiger Design out of Seattle over the last year to refresh the look and feel of Silver City’s logo and individual beer brands. Of this, Scott had this to add “We are very proud of our lineage here in Kitsap and the representation of our past that is reflected in those designs. We are equally as excited to present Silver City and our line-up of beers in a new way that brings the “family” together for current and new fans to discover or re-discover our beers.”
In addition to the new designs, Silver City is adding new beers, new packages, and growing their barrel aged program for distribution. First up is the addition of 12oz cans. Ziggy Zoggy Summer Lager was the first venture into cans last summer, which was followed with the new Cold One Pilsner. Next up is the special release of the Official Seattle Beer Week Lager; Sieben Brau set for release next month in April. Flagship and fan favorite Ridgetop Red Ale is set to take lead in the 12oz can line-up next. Look for Ridgetop Red Ale & Ziggy Zoggy Summer Lager with their new looks to hit stores latespring 2015.
Silver City’s barrel aged beers are now being released outside of the brewery for the first time. Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout was released to start the year. Bourbon Barrel Aged Fat Scotch Ale will follow in May. Look for Bourbon Barrel Aged Giant Made of Shadows in July. Wine Barrel Aged Le Fat will see a September release and finally Bourbon Barrel Aged Old Scrooge is set for November.
2015 promises to be an exciting year for Silver City Brewery and the Silver City team can’t wait to share it with all their fans.