11th Annual Strange Brewfest – January 23-24, 2015
Tickets on sale NOW! Visit our Tickets page to purchase.
$30 advance purchase and $35 at the door.
Having trouble finding available accomodations? There’s still room at Fort Worden for this weekend and they’re offering a Strange Brewfest discount. We encourage you to call 360.344.4400.
Ours goes to Eleven:
When we held the first Strange Brewfest in January 2005, it was a bit of a muted affair. A handful of breweries made their way to the peninsula, embraced our concept of concocting strangely inspired potations, and we celebrated under the cold, gray skies of the PNW.
In the years to come, we’ve turned it up a notch or two. Each year more breweries, more music and more acreage have been added to the show.
Last year during Strange Brewfest 10, however, we looked out over the crowd of smiling faces, spilled beer and dancing bears and thought, ‘This is it. We’ve reached the pinnacle of Strange Brewfest. Nothing more could top this one’.