Bellingham Brewers’ Ball (2/7)
In an effort of unite and celebrate the awesome power of our local beer scene, your Bellingham breweries have collaborated to throw, what we plan to be, the most radical party of 2015: The 1st Annual Bellingham Brewers’ Ball (Feb. 7 from 6-10pm @The Majestic).
What better way to celebrate than with an awkward 80’s prom theme? So start working on your mullet…costumes are definitely advised. Prizes will be awarded to outstanding outfits, including a crowd-nominated Prom King and Queen! Your $15 admission to the event covers first two drinks, complimentary appetizers, entertainment by Dj Kitchen Sink and, well of course, awkward prom photos.
All proceeds for this event will benefit the Bellingham St. Patrick’s Day Parade, a non-profit 501(c)(3) community-wide event celebrating public safety personnel, sustainability and the ways we can aim to make Bellingham greener.
Purchase tickets to the Brewers’ Ball // Watch the Video Promo