1st Annual Beer Bloggers Conference 2010
November 5-7 – Boulder Marriot, Boulder CO

Where do I start?  Do I start with my wife saying “This is a conference with your name all over it!”?  How about the chatter began weeks ahead of time: What are you bringing? How much should I bring? How are you getting there? Do I start with the 39 pounds of beer packed in my suitcase, wrapped so carefully they would be ok through a nuclear blast?  So as I go back in my memory, thank god I took notes.  So without further delay, the very first ever Beer Bloggers conference unfolded like this for BrewDad.

Day 1 – November 5, 2010

Arriving a few hours before the start, Sean Inman (Beer Search Party) and I wanted to start off right.  There was a brewery close by, and hell we were there for beer and blogging… what a better way to start!  Twisted Pine Brewing was a 15 minute walk according to Beermapping.com from the hotel.  We arrived to a little business park and tucked away there was a brewery.  We bellied up to the bar and were greeted by an awesome bartender.  We ordered a beer sampler paired with four quarters of different specially grilled cheese sandwiches.  My favorite was the Billy’s Chilies beer paired with the pepper jack cheese sandwich.

Hey there’s Angelo Brewpublic imbibing on the same beers.  It was great to see him there….Cheers!

After lunch, it’s back to the conference at the Boulder Marriot, Boulder Colorado.  Zeypher Adventures had put together a great agenda.  We had a full 2 days of talks about beer, blogging, and internet comminutes.  Just a little beer tasting too… imagine that!

Day one featured

  • Julia Herz – Brewers Association: “Why Beer Bloggers Further the Revolution”,
  • Jessica Daynor from Draft Magazine: “Beer Journalism: Beer Bloggers & the Print Media”, and
  • Beer Blog Site Reviews with SEO Expert Dustin Woodard.

Dinner time meant time to BEER.  Oskar Blues – Tasty Weasel, Longmont Co – was the destination.  We arrived, were greeted and then poured some tasty Oskar Blues brews.  We had some great food and tours were given all night long.   After several hours of fun, it was time for a nightcap, beer-style

The Night of Many Beers.

Did anyone happen to count how many beers were there?  If you estimate each person brought an average of 6 beers – some more and some not so many -there were a good 500-600 tasty Barley Pops to be had!  Imbibing was happening! It was the holy mother of all beer drinking events.  It was awesome!  Beer Tap TV was there and they taped a show where they shared 1 of 12 bottles of End of History placed in a Stoat 55% alcohol beer.  The End of History, brewed by Brew Dog out of Scotland, was the end all for the night.  Only a few lucky people got to try this nectar, and from what I hear, it is like a smooth scotch.  When the evening ended, there where still so many beers left we could have drank for 3 days straight.  Stay tuned for more – Day 2 is to follow.

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