Have you had enough beer in the recent days?  Not to worry my beer geek’d friends there is a nice long break until this weekend.  Heal fast my friends and point your cars to Portland or if you want get on the Amtrak and head to PDX for the North American Organic Beer Festival. This is a fun festival to attend they have interestingly tasty beers to try. Be sure to wear your tie-dyed clothes, patchouli oil and eat a lemongrass, cucumber, non dairy cheese, organically grown Emu club sandwich you will fit right in.

Oh wait if your not heading to Portland then you have a few extra days to rest then it is the SIB (Seattle International Beer Festival) right under the Space needle on July 1-3. There will not be a lack of great beers.  I just did a count to see how many they are pouring for your imbibing needs.  167 tasty brews on the list.  Here is the link to the tap list for you to check out. Knowing the festival organizers they will add to the list. SIB Tap List.

Now you just got back from being off the grid camping and have missed a festival or two not to worry head to Portland for the PIB on July 15-17. (Portland International Beer Festival) This is in the Park Blocks area downtown and I have always found this to be less crowded than the SIB. For those who like to avoid the beer drinking mosh pit of SIB this is a nice alternative. This is a very similar lineup as the SIB with just a few changes.

So you got lucky and went on world beer cruise and have missed the first 3 weeks of July and upon your return you have a hankering for a hoppy beverage.  The kind folks of Bremerton, WA are to oblige you with the first annual Bremerton Summer BrewFest.  This takes place on July 23.  Details are still coming in so I will update as soon as the news comes in.

Last but for sure not least the granddaddy of them all for the summer beer fest scene is then upon you.  Yes I am talking the OBF.  (Oregon Brewers Festival) This year July 28-31 are the dates to block on your calendar.  I will be updating more as this festival gets closer.  It is now time to get out hit the gym, fill your 5 gallon corny kegs with beer and lift them over your head.  Get that body in shape it is going to need it as the next 7 weeks are going to be totally awesome.

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