Are you ready have you got your work schedules clear because  here comes Seattle Beer Week 2012 – May 10-20.  What events are you going to hit?

Be sure to check out the the Seattle Beer Week website as it is updated almost daily with more events added every day.  Are you going to the opening ceremony or the closing?  Will you be you hitting events to bet on the ponies or race in the can derby?  Will your very own hand built can car win the race?   There will be Head Brewers, assistant brewers, brewery managers and even sales guys to meet.  Events in the morning some in the afternoon and others that close out the night.  Beers that will celebrate the great state of Washington others that don’t.  I see events that are for specific styles and others for specific breweries.   I for one will try to hit as many as humanly possible.

Get ready Seattle – Beer week is coming.  Take your Beer Week nap cause its going to get busy.   Use the newly set up events itinerary feature that links up FaceBook so you can keep  track of whats next on your agenda.

Follow on FaceBook
Twitter – @Seattlebeerweek 

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