Puyallup River Brewing

Puyallup River Alehouse – Opens for Business

By March 5, 2021No Comments

Puyallup River BrewingWhen one thinks of going to Puyallup they think you’re headed to the big fair.  Well that is about to change with the surge of Nano Brewers in the area and now the opening of Puyallup River Alehouse there is going to be even more reason to go to Puyallup.  Sure going to the fair to see Weird Al is awesome but wait until you see the new Alehouse.  Eric Akeson Owner and Brewer at Puyallup River Brewing has opened his next venture the Puyallup River Alehouse.  24 taps 8 of his own and 16 guest taps this place has it all.  This is a 21 and over establishment so the kids need to stay home.  Not to worry you’re going to find plenty TV’s for sporting events and a few great old time video games.  Pac Man and Beer Tapper.  Along with a pool table and the popcorn not much else is needed to have a great time.   Located in Downtown Puyallup this is going to add to the beer scene and soon.  I was proud to say I was the very first customer through the doors and glad to say this is a terrific place.  Great beer with awesome service they billed last night as a soft opening well they hit this one out of the park.

Puyallup River Alehouse
120 S Meridian
Puyallup, WA 98371
Puyallup River Alehouse Board

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