North Jetty Brewing

North Jetty Brewing – The Bar Crosser Strong Scotch Ale

By March 5, 2021No Comments

The Bar Crosser Strong Scotch Ale 9.3% ABV  24 IBU

At the same time both beautiful and treacherous, the Columbia River Bar, where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean,  is known throughout the world as one of the most dangerous river bars in the world.  Each day brave men and women cross this bar to make their living at sea.  The Bar Crosser Strong Scotch Ale is our hat tip to those individuals.  Malts of Pale, Caravienne, C-120, Chocolate and Midnight Wheat swirl together to create a deep, rich, and malty profile with hints of nut, plum and raisins.  Warrior and EKG hops provide just enough balance so that this brew is smooth, malt forward, and delicious.  However, make no mistake, at 9.3% ABV this brew can be a potentially hazardous crossing!  Enjoy responsibly and raise a toast to those crossing the bar!

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