Facts about the Beer tax –
- In 2010, the beer tax was increased to “temporarily” raise revenues during the recession. There were no public hearings and no one sought out the opinion of brewers, distributors or even beer drinkers. The tax was part of a last minute deal behind closed doors during the 2010 legislative session.
- Due to the 2010 increase, Washington’s beer tax is the 7th highest in the country. Our taxes are almost 10 times Oregon’s rate.
- If the Legislature does nothing the tax increase is set to expire by July 1st, 2013.
- Prior to the 2010 tax increase the rate was $8.08 per barrel, now it is $23.58 per barrel – A $15.50 (nearly a 200%) Per Barrel Increase!
- Though this tax is not on the end user, it is an indirect tax on the middle class who will have to pay extra for their beer.
- The higher tax for greater volume of sales is bad for business because it discourages growth. Instead of promoting greater investments, growth and jobs, the excessive tax on higher volume of beer sales stifles industry.